Mommy Makeover

Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back

What is Mommy Makeover

Mommy makeover addresses common bodily changes caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding, especially in the breasts and abdominal area. Excess fat deposits on the belly or other parts of the body may persist after pregnancy.

A mommy makeover aims to restore a woman’s body shape and appearance after childbirth. Each Mommy Makeover is unique since each procedure is personalized, and makeovers combine various procedures after pregnancy for a complete transformation.

Mommy Makeover Combinations

Many women notice changes in their bodies after childbirth. The following are some of the combinable options for creating a Mommy Makeover Dominican Republic:

Breast Procedures

  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Reduction
  • Breast Augmentation

Body Procedures

  • Tummy Tuck
  • Liposuction
  • Buttock Augmentation

Before and after Mommy Makeover

Preparing for a Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover in Dominican Republic, like any other operation, requires meticulous planning to ensure faster healing and better outcomes. Here are the detailed steps to prepare for a Mommy Makeover

Two Weeks Before Surgery

  • Stop using any type of alcohol, tobacco, or nicotine product, including gum, patches, or sprays. Smoking and secondhand smoke should be avoided.
  • Stop taking any blood thinners, including aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, fish oil, and herbal remedies; anything containing blood thinners may interact poorly with anesthetics.

Five Days Before Surgery

  • Stay away from cats. Dogs can stay at home.
  • Make arrangements for any personal or childcare requirements. For several days following surgery, you will be unable to lift anything heavy or drive.

Two Days Before Surgery

  • Shave your legs and upper pubic area.
  • Purchase a stool softener if bowel movements are difficult for a day or two following Mommy Makeovers.

Day Before Surgery

  • Before midnight, stop eating and drinking.
  • Take an enema before bedtime to loosen the bowels and relieve constipation discomfort.

Day of Surgery

  • Do not shave again to avoid infections.
  • Wear flexible, comfortable clothing that allows your body to breathe freely after surgery.

Our trained and knowledgeable medical staff will go over everything that will happen on the day of the operation with you. We welcome your calls and will happily address any concerns you may have.

Recovery for Mommy Makeover

Patients will expect bruising to last 1-3 weeks, swelling to last 2-8 weeks, and soreness/tenderness to last several weeks after surgery. Although most patients are considered fully recovered after 3 – 4 months, the final results of mommy makeover surgery can take 6 – 12 months to develop as residual swelling resolves and tissues settle completely.

How much does Mommy makeover cost?

The cost of a Mommy Makeover Dominican Republic, varies greatly depending on a variety of factors, including the techniques used, the surgeon’s skill, geographic location, and the operations you select. Operating room fees, anesthesia, follow-up appointments, and surgical fees can also be counted in the additional charges. One can connect directly to us for a mommy makeover costings quote.

Results After Mommy Makeover

You can continue normal activities after three months. After six months, you will be able to see the full benefits. These effects can last up to ten years or longer, depending on your health and lifestyle. Surgery scars can be reduced using lasers, creams, injections, and procedures.

Let’s build your best version together.

Let’s build your best version together.